The Business Master (3rd Edition)
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Automotive Accounts Receivable
Version 3.0
10 February 1993
by Len Thom
This software is an accounts receivable, inventory and invoicing system for a small automotive
parts or service business. It is suitable for other small businesses. This is a shareware program.
You may copy it, give it away, put it on a computer bulletin board and use it for evaluation
If you choose to make use of this program please register your use of the program by sending
your name and address and $25.00 to:
Len Thom
12126 - 102 Street
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
T5G 2G9
All registered users will receive a copy of the documentation and a copy of the most recent
version of the program.
There is also a Windows version of Automotive Accounts Receivable. Check with your local
shareware distributor for an evaluation copy or write to the above address.
This program is menu driven. There are no commands to learn. The program operates by either
pushing a function key (keys F1 - F10) or answering the prompts displayed on the screen. After
answering a prompt you push the "RETURN" or "ENTER" key (referred to as <cr>, for carriage
return). You do not have to push <cr> after pushing a function key.
To begin, copy the program on to the hard drive, preferably onto its own directory. If you do
not have a hard drive, the program will work with a floppy drive, but your file capacities will
be limited to the available disk space. Once the program is copied, type AAR <cr>. This loads
the program and the MAIN MENU comes up on the screen.
The first thing you must do is put your company name into the program. Press F3 for "SETUP -
COMPANY NAME" and answer the questions when prompted. You only have to do this once.
If you wish to change this information, you can. You can also set the number of the next invoice
you will use by choosing F4 for "SETUP - INVOICE NUMBER". If you do not do this, the first
invoice number will be 1.
The next thing you may do is put your credit customers into the system. Press F1 for
"ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE/INVOICING". The next prompt asks for a accounts receivable
file name. You must give the file a name. What you should consider is that each file can only
have 100 of your customers in it. If you have about 180 customers, you should create two files
(name them A-L, M-Z, for example) each with 90 customers in it. Each customer must be given
an account number. The account numbers can be letters. For example, if your customer's name
was the ACME TIRE COMPANY, his account number could be "ACME". If you want your
customers to appear in the file in alphabetical order, enter them into the system in alphabetical
order. To do this choose F3. When you are finished entering the customers press F7. You can
enter their current data as cheques with negative amounts. If a customer owed 200.00 dollars
over 90 days enter a negative cheque for that amount and post it against the over 90 category.
You have a customer called Bill's Towing who owes you $52.00 and the account is over 30 days
old. He is the first customer you will be putting into the accounts receivable system. To do this
you do the following:
1. Create an Accounts Receivable File called "A-L". To do this, first choose "F1. Accounts
Receivable / Invoicing" on the MAIN MENU. When prompted to ENTER ACCOUNTS
2. Create an account record for Bill's Towing. The ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE /
INVOICING MENU is on the screen. Choose "F3. Adding New Accounts". When
prompted for an account number, type BILLS <cr>. The enter his address. When you
are again prompted for an account number, hit the F7 key. The ACCOUNTS
RECEIVABLE / INVOICING MENU will again be on the screen.
3. Tell the system Bill's Towing owes $52.00 over 30 days. Choose "F9. Post Checks or
Credits". When prompted to enter an account number, type BILLS <cr>. The check
posting menu will be on the screen. Choose "F2. Post Check Against 30-60". Then enter
-52.00<cr>. When prompted to enter a cheque number, just type <cr>. When again
prompted to enter an account number, hit the F7 key.
4. Check your work. On the ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE / INVOICING MENU, choose
"F8. Account Information" and type "BILLS". His account information should come up
on the screen and indicate that he owes you 52.00 in the "30-60" category. Hit the F7 key
to return to the menu.
When you want to print an invoice for parts or service, choose F1 or F2 as the case may be. The
program uses blank, pre-printed invoice forms that are ACCPAC compatible. (It also uses
ACCPAC compatible statement forms). You can get your own printed, with your firm name on
them. Both invoices can take inventory directly out of the inventory system. If you want to do
this answer "Y" when under the INV heading on the invoice PARTS AND MATERIALS screens.
The program will then search the inventory for the item and put it one the screen. If nothing
shows up, then the item is not in the inventory system and you must enter it yourself. To do
this, enter 0 when under the FILE heading on the invoice PARTS AND MATERIALS screens.
When you are selling something to someone who does not have a credit account, type "CASH"
when prompted for an account number. This will put the invoice in the cash system.
If you want the invoice posted to the customers account, specify "Y" when prompted.
A word about printers. This program was written to work on dot matrix printers. If you have
an IBM or EPSON printer (or one compatible with them) some of the reports will print in
condensed print on a narrow carriage printer. If you have a wide carriage printer, don't worry,
everything will print fine. It may take some trial and error to get the forms to line up on the
printer. It may be a good idea to set up a dummy accounts receivable file (call it DUMMY, for
example) and practice printing invoices. When things are running fine, use "SETUP - INVOICE
NUMBERS" to reset the next invoice number. Except for the invoices and statements, everything
else should print on plain paper.
The inventory system allows you to keep track of your inventory as it is ordered, comes into
stock and is sold. If you want your inventory to print out in a particular order, enter it in that
order. However, you can sort your inventory by part number in numerical order. To enter
inventory, choose MAIN MENU item F9 and the INVENTORY MENU will come up on the
screen. Choose INVENTORY MENU item F8, sub-menu item F1. The REPORT MENU can
be found by choosing F2 on the MAIN MENU. This menu can be used to print basic report and
run the month end procedure. At the end of the month you must age your files. To do this you
must do the following in this order:
1. Prepare Monthly Statements. Put the ACCPAC compatible statement forms in the printer.
Do this for each accounts receivable file you have created. To do this choose F3 on the
2. Prepare the Analysis Report. Do this for each accounts receivable file you have created.
To do this choose F5 on the REPORT MENU.
3. Run the month end procedure by choosing REPORT MENU item F4. You must run this
procedure for each accounts receivable file you have created. However, when prompted to close
out the posting files choose "Y" for the first accounts receivable file and "N" for all subsequent
accounts receivable files.
By doing this you will age your accounts receivables 30 days and all the posting information will
be stored in history files.
In addition to the month end procedures, you may wish to erase your sales information and start
with zero amounts for sales at the beginning of the year. To do this your must choose F10 on
the INVENTORY MENU and F5 on the sub-menu.
Main Menu
F1 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE / INVOICING - Loads the Accounts Receivable / Invoicing
F2 MONTHLY STATEMENTS AND REPORTS - Loads the Accounts Receivable Reports
F3 SETUP - COMPANY NAME - This menu item allows you to put your company name
and sales tax level into a file called MASTCOMP.DAT. This information is later printed out on
the invoice and statement forms. If you get your own invoice and statement forms, run this
procedure again and put carriage returns at all the prompts. Re-enter the correct sales tax level.
If you are upgrading from a previous version of the program you must run this section over
F4 SETUP - INVOICE NUMBERS - This procedure allows you to change the next invoice
number. The last invoice number is stored in a file called SEQUENCE.NUM. The program uses
this file to automatically number invoices in sequence.
F5 CASH INVOICE REPORTS - This procedure will give a print out for either daily, current
month or previous month cash invoices.
Cash Invoice Menu
F7 EXIT - Returns to Main Menu.
F8 CASH REPORT FOR TODAY ONLY - This gives a printout of all cash invoice
records for the same date as when the program was loaded.
F9 CASH REPORT FOR CURRENT MONTH - This gives a printout of every cash
invoice record since the last time the posting file was closed out.
F10 CASH REPORT FOR A PREVIOUS MONTH - This gives you a printout for a
previous month. You must specify the month and year when prompted.
F6 CHECKS / CREDITS POSTING REPORT - Gives an on screen display of all cheques
and credit postings since the last time the posting file was closed out.
F7 EXIT - Returns to DOS.
F8 REGISTRATION INFORMATION - Gives an on screen display of how to register use
of the program with the author.
F9 INVENTORY - Loads the Inventory Menu.
Accounts Receivable / Invoicing Menu
F1 PARTS INVOICE - The procedure generates an invoice for either a credit customer or
a cash customer. For credit customers, only those customers in the file specified before the menu
loaded can be accessed. Cash customers (or customers using credit cards) require that you enter
the word CASH (in upper case) when prompted for a customer account number. Each prompt
can either be answered or not. If you want no information, enter a <cr>. The exceptions are
whether the goods shipped are PPD or COL. You must enter one or the other (in upper case).
Also, if you enter a <cr> for invoice terms you will get "NET 10 DAYS". If it's cash, enter
CASH, if its Visa, enter VISA, if its MasterCard, enter MC.
The PARTS AND MATERIALS screen works a little different than the other screens.
Instead of answering a prompt, you must fill in the information in the correct column of the
screen. On the top line of the screen will appear the following headings:
For each item you are selling enter the part number under the heading PART NUMBER. This
procedure can take inventory items directly out of the inventory system. To have automatic
posting out of inventory answer Y when the cursor is under INV. The program will search the
inventory file for all items with the same part number and write those files to the screen. Each
file has a file number found near the right hand side of the screen. When the cursor is under
FILE, enter the number of the file you want the inventory taken from. Do not enter another file
number. If no files come up on the screen enter a zero and the program will treat this item as
though it was not from inventory. Enter the quantity ordered under QTY. Enter the quantity
shipped under SHIP. Enter the price you are charging your customer under SELL PRICE. When
you have entered all the parts you want to enter, then enter a <cr> under PART NUMBER until
the number counter has counted through to 19. The charging of sales tax is optional.
ACCOUNT, you should normally answer with a Y (in upper case). However, you may refuse
and the invoice will be posted as a cash invoice.
F2 SERVICE INVOICE - This works in a manner very similar to a parts invoice. However,
you are only allowed 10 parts per invoice. If the work required more parts, you must put them
on a separate invoice. The reason is simple, only so much will fit on one invoice page. It is
very important to keep text within the markers when entering the work description and sublet
work description. This does not work like a word processor. You must enter your own carriage
returns at the end of each line.
Posting and tax options work the same as a parts invoice.
F3 ADDING NEW ACCOUNTS - Choose this item to add new accounts to an accounts
receivable file. You may use alphanumerics for accounts numbers.
F4 CORRECTING ACCOUNT INFORMATION - This item allows you to change the
information in an old account.
F5 POST SALES - It will normally not be necessary to use this procedure as the parts and
service invoices can be posted directly. You will prompted for the account number, invoice
amount and reference number (usually an invoice number). When finished, press F7 when
prompted for an account number.
F6 FIRST INVOICE OF THE DAY - This procedure prints the first line of text on the first
invoice. If you are using invoice forms with your company name printed on them, then you do
not have to use this procedure at all.
F7 EXIT - Returns to the Main Menu.
F8 ACCOUNT INFORMATION - This procedure displays the current account information
on the screen. When finished, press F7 when prompted for an account number.
F9 POST CHECKS OR CREDITS - This procedure allows you to post checks against a
current or aged balance. Credits can be posted here or by entering an invoice with negative
amounts. The postings are automatically recorded in a separate posting file that can be accessed
by Main Menu item F6 or Reports Menu item F2.
Checks / Credits Posting Menu
F1 POST CHECK AGAINST CURRENT - This procedure posts the check or credit
in the current month. The check or credit number will be displayed on the
account information screen.
F2 POST CHECK AGAINST 30-60 - This posts the check or credit against amounts
in the 30-60 day record.
F3 POST CHECK AGAINST 60-90 - This posts the check or credit against amounts
in the 60-90 day record.
F4 POST CHECK AGAINST OVER 90 - This posts the check or credit against
amounts in the over 90 days record.
F7 EXIT - Returns to the Accounts Receivable / Invoicing Menu.
F10 LIST OF OPEN ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE FILES - This allows you to see which
accounts receivable files you have created. When you create an accounts receivable file the
program automatically adds the suffix .AR3. When you call up an accounts receivable file you
do not have to add the suffix.
Reports Menu
F1 ACCOUNT NUMBERS REPORT - This gives a printout of the accounts numbers used
in the active accounts receivable file.
F2 CHECKS OR CREDITS REPORT - This is the same as Main Menu item F6, except that
it gives a printout.
F3 MONTHLY STATEMENTS - This prints monthly statements for all customers in the
active accounts receivable file on ACCPAC compatible statement forms.
F4 MONTH END PROCEDURE - This procedure allows you to "age" your files. At the
end of the month you must age your files. To do this you must do the following in this order:
1. Prepare Monthly Statements. Put the ACCPAC compatible statement forms in the
printer. Do this for each accounts receivable file you have created. To do this
choose F3 on the Report Menu.
2. Prepare the Analysis Report. Do this for each accounts receivable file you have
created. To do this choose F5 on the Report Menu.
3. Run the month end procedure by choosing this item. You must run this
procedure for each accounts receivable file you have created. However, when
prompted to close out the posting files choose "Y" for the first accounts receivable
file and "N" for all subsequent accounts receivable files.
By doing this you will age your accounts receivables 30 days and all the posting
information will be stored in history files.
F5 ANALYSIS REPORT - Gives a summary of the account status for each customer in the
active accounts receivable file.
F6 ACCOUNTS REPORT - Gives a printout of the names and addresses of all customers in
the active accounts receivable file.
F7 EXIT - Returns to Main Menu.
F8 SALES JOURNAL REPORT - Gives a Sales Journal Report including tax collected for
an accounting period or on a daily basis. When the accounting period is over, you can delete
this file and begin again with no data.
F9 ESTIMATES REPORT - Gives a report of active estimates generated recently.
Inventory Menu
F1 LIST ENTIRE INVENTORY - Gives a report of all items in the inventory file.
F2 LIST INVENTORY BY SUPPLIER CODE - Gives a report of all items in the file with
the same supplier code as provided by you when prompted. Supplier codes can have only two
letters and should be upper case.
F3 LIST INVENTORY BY PART NUMBER - Gives a report of all items in the file with
the same part number as provided by you when prompted. Part numbers can have no more than
11 digits and can be alphanumerics.
F4 LIST INVENTORY BY FILE NUMBER - Gives a report of the contents of the file
number you specify.
F5 LIST INVENTORY BY DESCRIPTION - Gives a report of all items in the file that
match the description you specify.
F6 LIST ALL ITEMS ON ORDER -Gives a report of all items in the file with more than
zero items on order.
F7 EXIT - Returns to the Main Menu.
F8 UPDATE INVENTORY - Choose this item for entering new inventory items and updating
old ones. If you are entering a new item, just answer each prompt. If you are updating an old
item, enter the part number and wait for the files to come up on the screen. Then choose the file
you wish to update. In none come up, enter a zero or F7.
Update Menu
F1 MAJOR CHANGE - This allows you to change everything in inventory item file.
F2 NEW COST - Choose this procedure to change the cost of the item.
F3 NEW SELL PRICE - Choose this procedure to change the selling price of the
F4 PLACE ITEMS ON ORDER - Choose this to indicate that the more stock for this
item has been ordered.
F5 POST INVENTORY IN - Choose this to post inventory in. The amount posted
in will be deducted from the quantity on order.
F6 POST INVENTORY OUT - This allows you to manually post inventory out.
Inventory sold under a parts or service invoice is automatically posted out.
F7 EXIT - Returns to Inventory Menu with no change to the item.
F9 LIST LOW INVENTORY - Gives a report of any part number with a stock level below
the minimum specified quantity.
F10 INVENTORY ANALYSIS - This is a password protected area that allows you to examine
the sales and profitability of your inventory.
Analysis Menu
F1 ANALYSIS OF SINGLE PART NUMBER - Gives a display of entire file
including sales and profit data.
F2 ANALYSIS OF SUPPLIER PRODUCT GROUP - Gives the sales and profit data
of a specified supplier.
F3 ANALYSIS OF TOTAL INVENTORY - Gives the sales and profit total for the
entire inventory.
F4 ANALYSIS PRINTOUT - Gives a printed report of the sales and profitability of
all items in inventory.
F5 ANNUAL CLOSING OF SALES DATA - This procedure resets to zero all the
sales data in the file. You do not have to do this at the end of 12 months; it is
optional. If you wish to maintain this data, copy the files STOCK.DAT and
STOCK.LGN onto a floppy diskette using DOS. To look at a previous years data,
put the diskette with the old files in drive A and at the A> prompt type C:AAR
F6 SORT INVENTORY BY PART NUMBER - This procedure sorts inventory files
by part number in ascending order.
Estimate / Pick List / Work Order Menu
F1 ESTIMATE - Choose this menu item to generate an estimate. This procedure works very
much like a service invoice. You can even access the Accounts Receivable File to use your
customer's name and address information.
F2 PICK LIST - This is to generate a blank pick-list for use in picking orders from the stock
F3 WORK ORDER - This creates a fill in the blanks paper work order for use in the shop.
You can create work orders for customers with accounts or cash customers (similar to invoices).
A record of the work order is stored in a separate file.
F4 LIST ESTIMATES BY ACCOUNT NUMBER - This gives a list of all the estimates you
have generated for a particular customer by his Account Number.
F5 LIST ESTIMATES BY CUSTOMER NAME - This gives a list of all estimates you have
generated for a customer. This procedure also works for cash customers.
F6 LIST ESTIMATES BY ESTIMATE NUMBER - Gives a report of an estimate by estimate
F7 EXIT - Returns to Main Menu.
F8 SET WORK ORDER TO COMPLETED - When a Work Order is generated, it is
automatically set to "active". When the work is finished and an invoice has been made, use this
procedure to set the work order to "completed".
F9 LIST OF ACTIVE WORK ORDERS - This gives a list of all the work orders that are set
to "active".
F10 LIST WORK ORDERS BY ACCOUNT NUMBER - This gives a list of all active and
completed work orders that were made out for a particular customer.
1. Use uppercase only. The searches for files and inventory items match up better when
everything is in uppercase. Hit the caps lock key and save yourself some grief.
2. Get a push type dot matrix printer instead of a pull type. This allows you to print an
invoice and tear it off right away.
3. This program is user friendly only for those people who know how to run it. Those who
do not know how to run it can really screw things up.
4. Keep the password to yourself. There is always someone in every business who likes to
play with the program. The password is designed to keep such people away from the places
where they can do the most harm.
5. If any customer does more than twenty invoices with your firm per month, it will be best
to create two or more files for that customer. This program has finite limitations and more than
about a dozen invoices per customer per month can make invoicing and statements difficult.
6. If you get stuck at a prompt or get into a "loop" press F7.
7. If you are a registered user, and have difficulties give the author a call. His number is
(403) 479-6235.
Version 3.0 has a new format for customer account records that includes customer telephone
numbers. Old Accounts Receivable Files (with an extension ".ARF") will not work with version
3.0 (which has files ending in ".AR3"). If you have been using a previous version and are
upgrading, I will provide a program that converts your old files to the new format.
There is a version for Canada only that calculates the Goods and Services Tax. Version 2.8C is
available upon request to any registered user of the program. It may also be of use in any
jurisdiction where sales tax is calculated upon the value of goods and services.
Unlike previous versions, you must set your own password. To do this, instead of hitting the F7
key on the first screen (the screen before MAIN MENU), type SET PASSWORD<cr>. When
prompted for previous password, type the previous password (if you have one) or LEN
THOM<cr>. Then enter your new password, which must be six characters long. It is a good
idea to change your password periodically.